Frontier Research Academy for Young Researchers - Kyushu Institute of Technology


Tenure Track System at Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech)

Organization and Management of Tenure Track <br />System at Kyutech


Frontier Research Academy for Young Researchers


Tenure Track Steering Committee decides basic policy of the Academy and makes important administrative decisions.

Roles of Steering Committee

Steering the Academy, making basic rules, and selection and evaluation of tenure track faculties.

Recruitment and Reviewing of Tenure Track Faculties

Research Fields

Five research fields: Mechanical engineering, Electrical and electronics engineering, Materials engineering, Information and communication engineering (including bioinformatics), and Interdisciplinary studies.

International Recruitment

By announcing the call for tenure track faculties both in English and in Japanese, we welcome applications from all over the world.

Application Qualification

Ph.D (not exceeding ten years after obtaining the Ph.D and less than 40 years old on the date of the application deadline.)

Review Process

Peer review of all applicants and interviews for selected candidates. The search committee includes researchers from outside the university, guaranteeing fair and transparent review.

Benefits for Tenure Track Faculties

Position title

Tenure Track Assistant Professor / Tenure Track Associate Professor


Based on salary rules of Kyutech

Duration of the Term

Five years from the date of the appointment.

Assigned faculty

Frontier Research Academy for Young Researchers (one of the graduate schools as an additional post)

Research Environment

Provision of research funds and individual lab space


Tenure track faculties may provide a lecture at a graduate school and supervise undergraduate or graduate students.

Mentor faculties

Two or three mentor faculties for each tenure track faculty (one of the mentors may be nominated as one's wish) provide advice on research, getting research funds, industry-university collaboration, patent application, team and laboratory management, active participation in academic societies, and so forth.

Evaluation and Qualification of Tenure Track Faculties

Evaluation and Qualification

Mid-term evaluation will be held in the latter half of the third year after the appointment. Final evaluation and qualification will be held in the early fifth year.

Qualification Committee

Tenure-track faculty search committee is organized in each of the following five fields: Mechanical engineering, Electrical and electronics engineering, Materials engineering, Information and communication engineering (including bioinformatics), and Interdisciplinary studies. Each committee comprises three faculty members and two expertise from outside the university.

Criteria for Qualification

- One's research achievements approximately lie in the top 16 percentile among faculty members at the same post at Kyushu Institute of Technology. One should also be well recognized in academia. Research achievements are measured by the number of papers and by the number of citations. Differences of publication productivity among research fields are appropriately considered.
- One should be able to get enough research funding to perform one's research.

  • Message from the Head
  • Call for Applications for FY2012 Tenure Track Faculties
  • Associate Professors

  • Dr. Nishida’s Lab
  • Specially Appointed Assistant Professor

  • Dr. I’s Lab
  • Dr. Katamune’s Lab
  • Dr. Maeda ’s Lab
  • Tenure Acquisitor

  • Dr. Kawahara’s Lab
  • Dr. Fukuma’s Lab
  • Dr. Shirosaki’s Lab
  • Dr. Hanada’s Lab
Contact Us
Tenure Track Support Office, Frontier Research Academy for Young Professionals:
Contact info of laboratories